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App Client

Application client that works with ARC-0032 application spec defined smart contracts. ARC-0032 is a standard for defining smart contracts on Algorand that provides descriptive metadata about the smart contract to clients, including state docsSchema, default method arguments, and custom data types.

By generating an app client, you are provided with a high-productivity client that enables you to easily and safely create, update, delete, deploy, and call a smart contract and access state data for it.


The design for the app client is based on a wrapper for parsing an ARC-0032 application spec and wrapping the App deployment functionality and corresponding design.

App Client Generation

Follow the steps below to generate an app client:

  1. Prerequisites

    To be able to consume the generated file you need to include it in a Python project that has, at a minimum, the algokit-utils package installed.

    Terminal window
    poetry add algokit-utils@^2.2.0
  2. Installation

    Terminal window
    pipx install algokit-client-generator
  3. Client Generation

    Terminal window
    algokit generate client path/to/application.json --output path/to/output/

    For example, and assuming that you used the AlgoKit CLI to bootstrap your python smart contract project and you named your app “hello_world”, you would run the following command:

    Terminal window
    algokit generate client smart_contracts/artifacts/hello_world/HelloWorld.arc32.json
    --output smart_contracts/artifacts/hello_world/


There are two key ways of instantiating an ApplicationClient:

  • Using App ID - When needing to call an existing app by app ID or unconditionally create a new app. The function ApplicationClient(algod_client, app_spec, app_id) requires:

    • algod_client: An AlgodClient object
    • app_spec: An ApplicationSpecification object
    • app_id: The app_id of an existing application, or 0 if creating a new app
  • Using Creator and App Name - When needing to deploy or find an app associated with a specific creator account and app name. The function ApplicationClient(algod_client, app_spec, creator, indexer, app_lookup) requires:

    • algod_client: An AlgodClient
    • app_spec: An ApplicationSpecification
    • creator: The address or Account of the creator of the app for which to search for the deployed app under
    • indexer:
    • app_lookup: Optional if an indexer is provided,
    • app_name: An overridden name to identify the contract with, otherwise is used from the app spec

Both approaches also allow specifying the following parameters that will be used as defaults for all application calls: - signer: TransactionSigner to sign transactions with - sender: Address to use for transaction signing, will be derived from the signer if not provided - suggested_params: Default SuggestedParams to use; will use the current network suggested params by default

The above approaches also allow specifying a mapping of template values via the template_values parameter. This will be used before compiling the application to replace any TMPL_ variables that may be in the TEAL.

The TMPL_UPDATABLE and TMPL_DELETABLE variables used in some AlgoKit templates are handled by the deploy method, but should be included if using create or update directly.

Example usage:

# TODO - USAGE EXAMPLE (Use HelloWorldClient)

App Method Calls

There are various methods available on ApplicationClient that can be used to call an app:

  • call: Used to call methods with an on complete action of no_op
  • create: Used to create an instance of the app, by using an app_id of 0, includes the approval and clear programs in the call
  • update: Used to update an existing app, includes the approval and clear programs in the call, and is called with an on complete action of update_application
  • delete: Used to remove an existing app, is called with an on complete action of delete_application
  • opt_in: Used to opt in to an existing app, is called with an on complete action of opt_in
  • close_out: Used to close out of an existing app, is called with an on complete action of opt_in
  • clear_state: Used to unconditionally close out from an app, calls the clear program of an app

Example usage:


ABI Method Calls

All methods for calling an app that support ABI methods (everything except clear_state) take a parameter call_abi_method which can be used to specify which method to call. The method selected can be specified explicitly, or allow the client to infer the method where possible.

Supported values are:

  • None: The default value, when None is passed the client will attempt to find any ABI method or bare method that is compatible with the provided arguments
  • False: Indicates that an ABI method should not be used, and instead a bare method call is made
  • True: Indicates that an ABI method should be used, and the client will attempt to find an ABI method that is compatible with the provided arguments
  • str: If a string is provided, it will be interpreted as either an ABI signature specifying a method, or as an ABI method name
  • algosdk.abi.Method: The specified ABI method will be called
  • ABIReturnSubroutine: Any type that has a method_spec function that returns an algosd.abi.Method

Example usage:


ABI Arguments

ABI arguments are passed as python keyword arguments e.g., to pass the ABI parameter name for the ABI method hello the following syntax is used:"hello", name="world")

Transaction Parameters

All methods for calling an app take an optional transaction_parameters argument, with the following supported parameters:

  • signer: The TransactionSigner to use on the call. This overrides any signer specified on the client
  • sender: The address of the sender to use on the call, must be able to be signed for by the signer. This overrides any sender specified on the client
  • suggested_params: SuggestedParams to use on the call. This overrides any suggested_params specified on the client
  • note: Note to include in the transaction
  • lease: Lease parameter for the transaction
  • boxes: A sequence of boxes to use in the transaction, this is a list of (app_index, box_name) tuples [(0, "box_name"), (0, ...)]
  • accounts: Account references to include in the transaction
  • foreign_apps: Foreign apps to include in the transaction
  • foreign_assets: Foreign assets to include in the transaction
  • on_complete: The on complete action to use for the transaction, only available when using call or create
  • extra_pages: Additional pages to allocate when calling create, by default a sufficient amount will be calculated based on the current approval and clear. This can be overridden, if more is required for a future update

Parameters can be passed as one of the dataclasses CommonCallParameters, OnCompleteCallParameters, or CreateCallParameters (exact type depends on method used):"hello", transaction_parameters=algokit_utils.OnCompleteCallParameters(signer=...))

Alternatively, parameters can be passed as a dictionary e.g."hello", transaction_parameters={"signer":...})

Transaction Composition

If multiple calls need to be made in a single transaction, the compose_ method variants can be used. All these methods take an AtomicTransactionComposer as their first argument. Once all the calls have been added to the Atomic Transaction Composer (ATC), it can then be executed.

Example usage:

from algokit_utils import ApplicationClient
from algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer import AtomicTransactionComposer
client = ApplicationClient(...)
atc = AtomicTransactionComposer()
client.compose_call(atc, "hello", name="world")
... # additional compose calls
response = client.execute_atc(atc)

State Reading

There are various methods defined that let you read state from the smart contract app:

  • get_global_state - Gets the current global state of the app
  • get_local_state - Gets the current local state for the given account address

Error Handling

Often when calling a smart contract during development you will get logic errors that cause an exception to throw. This may be because of a failing assertion, a lack of fees, exhaustion of opcode budget, or any number of other reasons.

When this occurs, you will generally get an error that looks something like the following:

TransactionPool.Remember: transaction {TRANSACTION_ID}: logic eval error: {ERROR_MESSAGE}. Details: pc={PROGRAM_COUNTER_VALUE}, opcodes={LIST_OF_OP_CODES}

The information in that error message can be parsed and when combined with the source map from compilation you can expose debugging information that makes it much easier to understand what’s happening.

When an error is thrown then the resulting error that is re-thrown will be a LogicError, which has the following fields:

  • logic_error: Original exception
  • program: Program source (if available)
  • source_map: Source map used (if available)
  • transaction_id: Transaction ID of failing transaction
  • message: The error message
  • line_no: The line number in the TEAL program that
  • traces: A list of Trace objects providing additional insights on simulation when debug mode is active

The function trace() will provide a formatted output of the surrounding TEAL where the error occurred.

Extended Error Information

The extended information will only show if the Application Client has a source map. This will occur if:

  • The ApplicationClient instance has already called (create, update, or deploy)
  • template_values are provided when creating the ApplicationClient, so a SourceMap can be obtained automatically
  • approval_source_map on ApplicationClient has been set from a previously compiled approval program
  • A source map has been exported/imported using export_source_map / import_source_map

Debug Mode and Traces Field

When debug mode is active, the LogicError will contain a field named traces. This field will include raw simulate execution traces, providing a detailed account of the transaction simulation. These traces are crucial for diagnosing complex issues and are automatically included in all application client calls when debug mode is active.